Illuminating the path to precision brain therapies

The human brain is a complex network containing billions of interconnected neurons. Neurons communicate by sending electrochemical signals, creating an extensive web of neural pathways.

Under normal conditions, the information carried along these neural pathways gives rise to all of our sensations, emotions, actions, and thoughts.

Many neurological disorders disrupt the balance within specific neurons and pathways, leading to pathological activity that interferes with normal brain function.

The primary challenge in treating these disorders stems from a lack of precision therapies that target only the affected neurons and pathways. Consequently, millions of patients are overtreated with therapies that have broad and often negative effects on brain function.

At, we are pioneering a revolutionary optogenetic therapeutic platform for severe neurological disorders that restores balance to the brain by precisely targeting pathological activity when and where it occurs.

Our Technology

A New Generation of Optogenetics for Medicine

Precision in Space & Time

Optogenetics harnesses the power of light to control neural activity with precision in space and time by introducing light-sensitive proteins – opsins – to targeted neurons.

Increased Efficacy

Our platform leverages a new generation of inhibitory G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) opsins, developed at the Weizmann Institute of Science, that can rapidly reduce communication between neurons on demand when activated with light.

The Next Frontier

Optogenetics revolutionized the field of neuroscience but has faced challenges in therapeutic applications. Our groundbreaking inhibitory opsin is the first opsin that can be used to modulate pathological activity and treat neurological disorders in humans.

Our Platform

Delivering precision therapy where it matters most

A new class of precision brain therapeutics

The platform combines the strength of our next-generation opsin with validated approaches in gene delivery and light delivery to enable a new class of precision brain network therapeutics that can target neurological disorders range from epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and neuropathic pain to essential tremor, narcolepsy and other conditions.

Our platform delivers:

- Precision in space by controlling which cells and pathways to modulate and
- Precision in time by controlling when to deliver light.

Rebalancing the brain - only where and when needed

Our precision network therapeutic approach restores brain function while minimizing unwanted side effects so that patients can achieve enhanced well-being and a greater quality of life.

About Us is a preclinical stage company developing precision treatments for severe neurological disorders characterized by pathological activity in the brain. We have assembled an exceptional team with established track records of innovation in neuroscience, business and therapeutic development.

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